Friday, November 24, 2006

Where are we in time and WHAT are we heading to wards

We are heading towards a very different "world" than we have known and that we have been "conscious" of. This blog spot was created to look at what different civilizations and ideologies have said about the state of the world that we are walking at great speeds towards. Only once we know what we are going towards can we begin to prepare for what will be needed on that journey. I have also tried to include here the tools that I believe with my understanding (from what has been said) will help us to prepare. It CAN be a very exciting time if we have the tools, just like winter can be fun if you are dressed appropriately, but if not the consequences will be severe and we will not survive.

I invite you here to first look at the Mayan Calendar comes North in order to better understand the rest of the information on this blog spot.

Money has NEVER been the answer for happiness and now less than ever. Now more than ever do we need to turn to our state of consciousness and build on that.

As we are going towards a unification of the universe, I invite you the reader to send me comments and ideas about any tools that you believe will help us as a planet to prepare for the future. Although the future more than ever is now.

In light.


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