Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The planetary shifts are causing shifts in our own consciousness

In this new millenium we are facing the shifts in consciousness from the 3rd dimension into the 5th and upward. The way we have viewed the world (and many are still viewing the world) will not be sufficient or effient enough for the coming times as we are called upon to view the world and act towards the world from a deeper center as opposed to the rational place we have gotten used to.

Please take this journey with me through videos and articles that will explain practically how to enter this new way of thinking so that we are not left behind as the shifts in the planetary universe happen.

IF you do not believe all this, then thats ok, come along for the ride anyway and allow this information to tickle your imagination by using the question "what if" at least you'll find some entertainment in the material published here.

If you feel there is information that you can add to this please let me know and I will surely add it to my page if I feel its pertinant to increasing the planet's level of consciousness.

And ofcourse I welcome "feedback" - your comments, thoughts and ideas.

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